Recent changes to the law in Missouri have opened up new opportunities for those suffering the consequences of having criminal convictions on their record:
Driving While Intoxicated
Section 610.130
This provision is a handy one that is underused. The law provides that if one has a single DWI or other misdemeanor alcohol related driving offense that is ten years old, that conviction can be made to disappear forever.
Most people who picked up a DWI conviction when they were younger have pretty much put that experience behind them with the passage of ten years. It costs money and a little time, but there are good reasons to get an expungement:
- First, keep in mind that without an expungement, we carry every conviction to our graves. One cannot be sure when a DWI might later pop up in a harmful way. It could be a job-related issue or a matter of reputation.
- In addition, any subsequent DWI charge will be far more damaging if any prior DWI is still on the books.
If there is an old DWI in the closet, you may want to consider cleaning it out.
The effect of an expungement order is to restore you to your status prior to your DWI arrest, plea or conviction–-basically turning back the clock as if such event had never taken place.
In addition to the expungement of the records, you cannot later be found guilty of perjury or giving a false statement for failing to admit to the expunged arrest, plea, trial or conviction (no matter who asks or why).
Expungement requires filing a petition with the court in which you originally pled guilty or were convicted. After a criminal background check, you must prove–-in a hearing–-that you have a clean record for the last ten years; that you have not been convicted, pled guilty to or been found guilty of--and have no pending charges for--any offense related to alcohol, controlled substances or drugs.
Likewise, the record must be free of other alcohol-related enforcement contacts (like a license revocation) during the preceding ten years.
If the court then concludes that your habits and conduct show that you are no longer a threat to the public safety, the court will then order expungement of all official records of the arrest, plea, trial, conviction and resulting administrative actions.
Other Crimes
Section 610.140
Missouri's new expungement law went into effect January 1st 2018, and was recently updated on August 28th 2021. The new law greatly increased the number of crimes eligible for expungement in Missouri. Many individuals with misdemeanor convictions can file after only 1 year from the date of completion of the authorized disposition of the case. Felony's can be expunged after 3 years.
Certain crimes cannot be expunged, including:
- Class A Felonies
- Dangerous Felonies (556.061 RSMo)
- Offenses that require registration as a Sex Offender
Getting convictions expunged requires the filing of a petition in the court in which the person was found guilty. The petition must name as a defendant each and every state agency that may possess the conviction records. On top of filing and service fees, the new law tacks on an extra $250 fee. Se 488.650.
There must be a court hearing. At the hearing, the judge may consider evidence showing that the expungement is warranted. This includes payment of restitution, lack of pending charges, and other evidence that the petitioner is no longer a threat to society and that the expungement is in the public interest.
Arrest records can also be expunged in certain circumstances: (610.122 RSMo)
- If the arrest was based on false information (depending on case disposition)
- If the arrest was one made for a misdemeanor traffic violation and the charges never resulted in a plea or conviction. To be eligible, the party seeking expungement must not be a CDL holder, nor have any subsequent misdemeanor or felony convictions. There must not be any pending civil matters associated with the records to be expunged.
Minor-in-Possession (MIP)
Section 311.326
There is also a provision for the expungement of an MIP conviction for the possession (including consumption) of alcohol by any person under the age of 21 years. Section 311.326 sets forth the procedure for expungement of MIP convictions for qualifying persons who are at least 22 years old.